🧪Welcome to the lab!👩🏻‍🔬 

Below you will find all the details on how to create your own custom Hair Mask!

You can:

🧪 Get the hair mask with the 3 mask enhancer's that it includes

🧪Add more enhancer's (options below to add one extra or 3 extras)

🧪 Get the Spring Bundle which includes:

The Custom Hair Mask
One Extra Enhancer (for a total of 4)
One Repair & Growth Shampoo Bar
One Conditioner Bar

Create Your Own

Custom Hair Mask

Introducing our Custom Hair Mask: Your Personal Hair Lab Experience!

Welcome to the ultimate hair care customization journey with our Custom Hair Mask. Crafted with love and care, this unique product empowers you to tailor-make your own hair treatment by choosing 3 out of our 10 exclusive "Mask Enhancers." Each enhancer is meticulously formulated to target specific hair concerns, providing a personalized touch to your hair care routine.

Step into your virtual hair lab today and embark on a journey towards healthier, more radiant hair.